What is ansvarsfullt.se?
This is ansvarsfullt.se
ansvarsfullt.se is a cloud based sustainability platform.
With ansvarsfullt.se you get a set definition of corporate sustainability, based on international standards. The definition is covering the three areas; Profitability, Environment and Social Responsibility.
How does it work?
The Sustainability License is built on 153 questions that we have developed together with external experts. In your license you will see the questions related to you business and you answer them by define your current level within four pre-defined answers. The solution will give you insights and graphs where you will learn where you are as a company right now with your sustainability work. You can then generate reports that you can use e.g. to your suppliers, shareholders, board etc. When you do continuous work in the platform you can also generate a development report that show how you have progressed over time.
We are constantly reviewing and keeping the questions and platform up to date with changing legislations and standards.
Get your Sustainability License
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