UN Sustainable Development Goals

The 2030 Agenda

The UN Sustainable Development Goals and ansvarsfullt.se

On 25 September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the historical resolution 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda means that all 193 member states of the UN have undertaken to work to achieve a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable world by 2030.
The Agenda contains 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets. In simple terms, the Sustainable Development Goals constitute an action plan for us as human beings, the planet and our wellbeing. The aim is that we shall achieve a sustainable world by working in accordance with and fulfilling the Goals.

With ansvarsfullt.se we have created conditions for all companies, be they large or small, to be able to work with sustainability issues in an active and simple manner. We have based our tool on the experience and expertise acquired by our ISO experts throughout their careers, and we have also consulted with auditors and procurement lawyers to ensure that the tool is as comprehensive as possible. We want to make sure that your sustainability work will be exactly that – sustainable.

An increasing number of companies want to be able to relate their sustainability measures to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. That is why we have enlisted the assistance of external experts to ensure that our questions are ideally matched to the Sustainable Development Goals, thus making it easier for companies to relate their sustainability work to those Goals.

Once you have answered all the questions in your profile, the tool generates a sustainability report that provides a clear and unambiguous picture of the current status of your company’s sustainability work, and where there is potential for development. A supplementary report provides you with an overview of the status of your sustainability measures in relation to the Sustainable Development Goals. The tool also enables you to see your current performance and status, and where you have potential for development, in relation to each specific question, and within each specific goal.

With ansvarsfullt.se it is easy to report your sustainability measures and show that you are working to achieve a more sustainable world.

SDG business area

Our sustainability report that you by yourself easily can generate after going through your assessment gives you a clear view of where you are as a company right now in terms of your sustainability work. You can also see in which areas you need to improve on.

There’s also a report focused on your work towards the Sustainable Development Goals, where you can see an overview of how much you contribute on each of the goals.

With ansvarsfullt.se it’s easy to assess and report your sustainability work and how your company strive towards a more sustainable world.

Start measure against the SDG’s

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