Sustainability for companies.
The tool that provides sustainability clarity.
Build a stronger company – and make better business.
Sustainability is a term increasingly used in various contexts. As a company, you’re expected to operate sustainably. But what does that truly entail?
With, you receive all the assistance you need. We ask the right questions, allowing you to assess your company’s current position in areas such as quality, environment, and social responsibility. Our tool is entirely cloud-based, with a strong emphasis on user interface and clarity to achieve our goal: enabling all business owners to work sustainably as effortlessly as possible. You shouldn’t have to ponder what it means to run your company sustainably—we’ve done that for you! You indicate your company’s current status and receive a report confirming your efforts.

" is a tool that companies greatly benefit from using to ensure the right quality in their organizations."
Seven Key Areas of Sustainability
We have identified seven key areas based on international standards to help you gain a comprehensive view of your sustainability efforts. These areas assist you in identifying strengths and areas for improvement across your entire organization.
The structure is inspired by ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 14001 (Environment), and ISO 26000 (Social Responsibility) but has been adapted to be simple, effective, and accessible—even for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Business – Profitability, financial management, strategies
Work Climate – Employee well-being, psychosocial work environment, security
Leadership – Vision, strategy, ethics, and corporate
Employees – Engagement, competence, working conditions
Internal Environment – Ergonomics, safety, physical work environment
External Environment – Climate impact, resource efficiency, transportation
Social Responsibility – Business ethics, supplier responsibility, community engagement
By answering questions within these areas, you gain a clear picture of your company’s sustainability status and identify opportunities for further development.

Ansvarsfullt Företag® – A Mark of Quality.

Once you have answered all the questions, you gain the right to use the Ansvarsfullt Företag® seal. This serves as a clear signal to customers, suppliers, and business partners that your company systematically works with sustainability, quality, and social responsibility.
The seal can be used both digitally and in printed materials, helping you strengthen your brand. It shows that you don’t just talk about sustainability—you take action.
Demonstrate your commitment and build trust with Ansvarsfullt Företag®!
Get full control – start today.
Measure, Understand, and Improve.
Our method is built on 153 carefully developed questions covering the most crucial aspects of a company’s sustainability work. By answering each question on a sliding scale from 0 to 100, you gain a detailed overview of your current status and see exactly where you stand in your development.
0–24: ”No, not really”
This indicates areas where your sustainability work is weak or has not yet started. Here, you identify your greatest opportunities for improvement.
25–49: ”Not quite yes, but some activities exist”
You have taken some initial steps, but there is still room for improvement. This level highlights where targeted efforts can make the most impact.
50–74: ”Yes, we do this”
You have already implemented good solutions and strategies. This level shows that you are on the right path and can build upon your existing progress.
75–100: ”Yes, and we have routines for follow-up”
You are operating at a high level and have structured follow-up routines. This confirms that your sustainability work is not only well-organized but also continuously improving.
Thanks to this dynamic scale, you can easily track how close you are to reaching the next level in each area.
For example, a score of 45 means you are on the verge of a clear “yes” and may only need a few adjustments to strengthen your sustainability efforts. This approach provides a more accurate picture of how far you’ve come—and what specific actions you can take to move to the next level.

Still have questions?
Do you have questions about our products or anything else on your mind?